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Nicklas Jarnesjö

Get `next export` working


It seems that Next.js just added next export because other have it but havn't give it any love or made it easy to use. If you compare it to Gatsby.js it's lack a lot of features especially if you look into image optimization.
Ok it's not fair compare them exactly but if Next.js would the shit in this space you have to treat it better. They should have image optimization if the user choose to use next export something they don't really have to care about when it's deployed as "normally" but they have thing for it in place for that and some small tweaks to make it work when uses the framework as static would be nice and something you can expect.

Ok now to have to make things work if you choose use next export any way. Which I did for a customer.


To even get the app to get exported you have to add unomptimized: true in next.config.js

module.exports = {
  images: {
    unoptimized: true,

You have to handle optimizing of images yourself and how its presented to user. One easy way is to do it with optipng and jpegoptim for example which you can get with brew if you using unix.

Here example of terminal commands I used. (Stand in directory of images)

// PNG optimizing
find . -name "*.png" -exec optipng -o7 {} \;

// JPG optimizing
find . -name "*.jpg"|"*.jpeg" -exec jpegoptim -m80 -o -p --strip-all {} \;


Then everything seems to work as expect until you reload any page which is not the frontpage and the application can't pickup the routing.

To fix this you have to add trailingSlash: true to next.config.js

module.exports = {
  trailingSlash: true

Final config

const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

module.exports = {
  trailingSlash: isProd,
  images: {
    unoptimized: isProd,

It could be obvisoly for many but hope it can help someone.

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